Friday, 5 February 2016

5 Signs Your Child Needs an Eye Exam

As people get older, the likelihood of them needing eyewear increases. However, it is entirely possible that children will need glasses as well. Your child may not tell you directly that he or she cannot see very well, so there are certain signs you need to pay attention to in order to see if you need to take your child to an optometrist.

First, you should be aware of what your child’s grades are. If he or she is not doing very well completely out of the blue, then the culprit could be that vision is deteriorating. They may not be able to see the blackboard clearly or have trouble reading altogether. Any unexpected drops in academic performance should be noted. If the culprit is poor vision, then see an eye doctor and ask the teacher if your child can sit closer to the board.

Rubbing the eyes is another common symptom of poor vision. If this only happens right before bedtime, then it likely is not an issue. However, if your son or daughter is doing it while he or she is trying to read something, it could be a sign that their sight is not ideal.

Pay attention to how close your child gets to the television while watching shows. If he or she is getting up close, then it could be a sign that they are nearsighted and need to be that close to see. Ask your child to sit away from the T.V. set. Once you do that, ask them if they have any problems with seeing the pictures.
Your kid may also require an eye exam if he or she is constantly squinting. Again, it may be nothing if it only occurs every so often. However, consistent squinting is often a symptom of astigmatism and needs to be looked at.

Finally, if your child is trying to view something that is quite a distance away, then see if he or she closes one eye. This is a technique children sometimes employ so that they can get a better view. They may be using their dominant eye in order to compensate for poor vision in the other eye.

If a child has only ever known blurry vision, then he or she may not tell you about it because that is all he or she has ever known. Pay careful attention to the signs to see if an eye exam needs to be scheduled. View this website to see about visiting a pediatric optometrist in Chula Vista.

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