Friday, 5 February 2016

3 Myths About Computer Vision

There are a lot of opinions out there about what is good and bad for your vision. With society’s ever-increasingly reliance on technology, numerous vision myths stem around computers and more specifically computer vision.

Sitting Too Close to a Screen Hurts the Eyes

Many people believe that sitting too close to a computer or T.V. will damage your vision. On the contrary, sitting too close has not proven to yield any negative results in terms of vision. However, if you need to sit that close to see, there may be other problems at play.

Staring at a Computer Too Long Damages the Eyes

Although no permanent damage will be done if you stare at a computer all day at work, your eyes can become dried out. To avoid this, take a break to look at something else for a few minutes.

Staring at a Computer Screen in the Dark Will Damage Eyes

Similarly, this action, if performed for too long, will cause eye strain, but permanent damage is unlikely. Give your eyes some time to relax if you will be staring at any screen for prolonged periods of time.

By separating the fact from the fiction, you will know exactly how to care for your vision. In the event that you do want computer vision treatment in La Mesa, visit this website. 

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