Thursday 21 January 2016

Three Signs That You Need to Have an Eye Exam

The health and well-being of your eyesight should always be a priority, no matter how busy your life gets. Even if you have always had excellent vision, your eyesight can change as you get older. In order to protect your eyesight, be aware of these three changes that indicate it may be time to go get an eye exam.
1. An Increase in Headaches

If you experience headaches after reading or time at your computer, you should make an appointment for an eye exam in the near future. Increased headaches indicate eyestrain and fatigue, which will only grow worse over time if not corrected with eyeglasses or contacts.

2. Squinting

Squinting or holding a book or newspaper as far away as possible from your face in order to see words or pictures clearly are signs of changing vision that should be addressed right away. While you might not see squinting as a danger, it can cause:
• Headaches 
• Wrinkles
• Eye fatigue
If you find yourself squinting more often as you read, then it’s time to see an eye doctor to get your eyes some relief.

3. Changes in Night Vision

Changes in your vision can make it harder to drive at night. If you can no longer make out objects or street signs at night, schedule an eye exam as soon as possible. This is especially important if you do a lot of night driving.
Changes in your vision should not be ignored. Whether these changes are gradual or sudden, scheduling an eye exam will help you address them. To locate an eyeglasses store in Carlsbad, visit this website.

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