Friday 5 February 2016

5 Signs Your Child Needs an Eye Exam

As people get older, the likelihood of them needing eyewear increases. However, it is entirely possible that children will need glasses as well. Your child may not tell you directly that he or she cannot see very well, so there are certain signs you need to pay attention to in order to see if you need to take your child to an optometrist.

First, you should be aware of what your child’s grades are. If he or she is not doing very well completely out of the blue, then the culprit could be that vision is deteriorating. They may not be able to see the blackboard clearly or have trouble reading altogether. Any unexpected drops in academic performance should be noted. If the culprit is poor vision, then see an eye doctor and ask the teacher if your child can sit closer to the board.

Rubbing the eyes is another common symptom of poor vision. If this only happens right before bedtime, then it likely is not an issue. However, if your son or daughter is doing it while he or she is trying to read something, it could be a sign that their sight is not ideal.

Pay attention to how close your child gets to the television while watching shows. If he or she is getting up close, then it could be a sign that they are nearsighted and need to be that close to see. Ask your child to sit away from the T.V. set. Once you do that, ask them if they have any problems with seeing the pictures.
Your kid may also require an eye exam if he or she is constantly squinting. Again, it may be nothing if it only occurs every so often. However, consistent squinting is often a symptom of astigmatism and needs to be looked at.

Finally, if your child is trying to view something that is quite a distance away, then see if he or she closes one eye. This is a technique children sometimes employ so that they can get a better view. They may be using their dominant eye in order to compensate for poor vision in the other eye.

If a child has only ever known blurry vision, then he or she may not tell you about it because that is all he or she has ever known. Pay careful attention to the signs to see if an eye exam needs to be scheduled. View this website to see about visiting a pediatric optometrist in Chula Vista.

Help prevent the spreading of infectious diseases

During the holidays, as travel and family gatherings commence, so, too, does flu season. And while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention encourage people to protect themselves through vaccination, the AOA reminds… more

Signs You May Have Cataracts

Cataracts are a serious eye condition that needs to be treated promptly. Pay attention to any changes in your vision so that you know when to see an optometrist.

Blurry Vision

If everything starts looking a little blurry or cloudy, then it could be a sign you have cataracts. This problem will only get worse over time if the condition goes without treatment.

Sensitivity to Lights

No one likes having a bright light shown in their face. If glares from light sources becoming disturbingly painful, then an eye exam needs to be scheduled immediately.


If you start noticing the presence of halos around light sources, then cataracts may be developing. Halos are symptoms of a variety of other eye problems, so a test needs to be scheduled to see what you have.

Additional Signs

Some of the other symptoms that potentially indicate that you have cataracts include:
• Constantly needing new glasses
• Trouble seeing in the dark
• Having double vision
• Seeing faded colors

Any changes in your vision should be noted, and you need to see an optometrist as soon as you can. Tests will be performed to see if you need glasses, contacts or LASIK surgery. You can get comprehensive cataracts treatment in El Cajon, and it starts by visiting this website.

Can You See It?

One the most standard ways of testing vision, the eye chart, has not changed in. Why mess with a system that works well. If you can see the bottom line on an eye chart, great. If you can’t see the top one, then…

Illnesses Associated With Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a serious eye disorder that needs to be treated promptly in order to save a person’s vision. As with any disease, it is important to understand glaucoma’s relationship with other diseases so that it can be dealt with thoroughly.

Autoimmune Disorders

There are two diseases that have a strong correlation with glaucoma: Marie-Strumpell ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis. If you are diagnosed with either of those diseases, then your doctor may recommend undergoing an eye exam to ensure that your vision remains strong.

Infectious Diseases

Congenital rubella can eventually lead to glaucoma, and in far too many instances, the two diseases can ultimately lead to blindness. Other illnesses that can eventually lead to problems with vision include AIDS, congenital syphilis and Hansen disease.

Other Associations

Finally, there are other health problems that may be related to vision and glaucoma as well. Patients who experience migraines, sleep apnea and nocturnal hypotension should speak with a healthcare professional in order to see if certain tests need to be done.

A thorough evaluation of your health should be taken annually, and even if you think your vision is fine, it never hurts to get peace of mind by getting an eye exam. In the event that you do require glaucoma treatment in El Cajon, you should browse through this website. 

How to Find the Right Type of Eyeglasses for Your Face

Eyeglasses aren't just a functional accessory. They can be fun and stylish, too. Finding the right eyeglasses for your face depends on several factors.

Consider Your Face Shape

Humans have one of seven different face shapes.
• Round
• Oblong
• Oval
• Base-up triangle
• Base-down triangle
• Square
• Diamond

The glasses you choose should be as close to the opposite of your face shape as possible. For example, if you have a round face, you should choose rectangular frames. However, if you have a square or diamond-shaped face, you should choose round frames. This keeps you from creating too many rounded shapes or angles in one place.

Think About Your Eye Color

For the best look, consider matching your frames to your eye color to play them up. If you have blue eyes, consider looking for a blue frame. If your eyes are brown, try to stick to a neutral shade.

Do a Color Analysis

Of course, your skin tone also factors into your decisions. All people have either cool or warm coloring. Cool coloring is blue and warm is yellow. Your frames should compliment your coloring.

Glasses are a great way to add a bit of spice to your outfits, especially if you work in an otherwise very traditional setting. If you need help choosing eyeglasses in La Mesa, visit this website.

A Double-Edged Effect

Reading can be both beneficial and detrimental to your eyes. The voluntary side-to-side movements of your eyes are called saccades. While heavy reading can strengthen your eye muscles and improve your saccades, improper lighting and eye strain can in fact weaken them.

3 Myths About Computer Vision

There are a lot of opinions out there about what is good and bad for your vision. With society’s ever-increasingly reliance on technology, numerous vision myths stem around computers and more specifically computer vision.

Sitting Too Close to a Screen Hurts the Eyes

Many people believe that sitting too close to a computer or T.V. will damage your vision. On the contrary, sitting too close has not proven to yield any negative results in terms of vision. However, if you need to sit that close to see, there may be other problems at play.

Staring at a Computer Too Long Damages the Eyes

Although no permanent damage will be done if you stare at a computer all day at work, your eyes can become dried out. To avoid this, take a break to look at something else for a few minutes.

Staring at a Computer Screen in the Dark Will Damage Eyes

Similarly, this action, if performed for too long, will cause eye strain, but permanent damage is unlikely. Give your eyes some time to relax if you will be staring at any screen for prolonged periods of time.

By separating the fact from the fiction, you will know exactly how to care for your vision. In the event that you do want computer vision treatment in La Mesa, visit this website.